Sunday, January 5, 2014

Santa Clause is coming to town....

My friend Ashley made this cute dress & hair bow. 
Sadie at 10 months old.

Christmas Morning. YESSS! Just what they wanted. 

First kiss under the mistle toe from one handsome guy. 
Checking out the Christmas tree. At first, Sadie was scared of
the Christmas tree and whenever you had her near it, she would cry. 
She never warmed up to the idea, never got too close, and didn't mess with any packages.

We got sent a cute little elf from the North Pole. The boys {including Bryan} 
decided to name him Fizzpop Scout MacJingles (Scottish accent) He played 
lots of funny tricks on the boys, he toilet papered the tree, left the movie elf for them to watch, 
& left them funny notes, treats, and surprises . We didn't want him to fly home!

Sadie's Christmas Jammies

I held Christmas Eve dinner here at our home. We had the
Robinsons and my parents here. It was a fun evening. 

I sewed these grinch pants for Sadie. She wore them a few times. 
I really have loved sewing little dresses & making hair bows. It is fun to have a girl!

Grandma Janie

Bryan & Luke Bowling
So mom, you want to take a nice picture of the guys in their 
Christmas Jammies? Maybe next year! Did you notice all the stockings 
have been ripped from their places on the mantle? It did look picture perfect
for about 2 weeks.... 
It was so fun to have Grandmda & Grandpa Robinson stay. 
We went bowling, played games, read books, & had
a wonderful time getting to know them better. We are sure grateful 
that they could come and spend time with us in Texas. 

Christmas dinner

Grandpa Val, Isaac, Sadie 

We started a couple new traditions this season. One is the Elf on the Shelf, which the boys LOVED. Secondly, we wrapped up Christmas themed books to open each night and read together.  We had a lot of fun this season because everyone believes in Santa Clause. Isaac wrote him a letter that said, if he leaves him a not then he will know that he is real. Santa left him a letter and Isaac was thrilled. Isaac carefully picked out gifts at his school's santas workshop. He gave something to each person in the family out of his allowance. He got me a very beautiful necklace, Sadie a bracelet, his brothers some toy cars, and his dad a special compass. This stage of life is the best yet. Our boys played peacefully most of the time. I can honestly say that they are maturing to the point of actually liking each others company. It was so fun to hear them play pretend together and solve problems. One solution was that each person get punched in the stomach and then they all say sorry at the same time. That one did not go over well but I am sure glad that they are beginning to use their reasoning skills. Sadie is just so good natured and sweet. How we ever got so lucky to have her, i'll never know. But I sure am excited to have these darling little children to celebrate Christmas with. We had a great time. Oh, and I gave Bryan a special pencil drawing of someone very special to him..... Owen. He loves it. He got me a nice swiss army knife with mini tweezers for those special grey hairs that are popping up. I'm not joking. What can I say, we go big at the Smith home. But really, we had the gift of time 2 full weeks with NO WORK. We had the best time watching movies, riding our bikes, playing games, and baking Christmas cookies. What a lovely Christmas we Smiths had.  

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